Sunday, 7 October 2018

Denim plus - Alternative to leather

Piñatex™ leather

Ananas Anam is a company that develops new materials which have been created using processes that enhance the well being of our earth and it's people. Their inspiration is the 'Cradle to Cradle' approach which  is something that supports ecological, intelligent and innovative design policies within today's economic environment. 

They've developed a new sustainable non woven textile which is called Piñatex™, which is made from pineapple leaves fibres. Piñatex™ has finally evolved from seven years of research and development to create a natural textile from waste plant fibres. The research and development behind it has been long winded as it's original development was carried out in the Philippines and it finished up in the UK and Spain. 

They're a very eco friendly and organic material as no extra land, water or fertilisers or pesticides are used to produce them. It's a textile that now provides new additional income for farmers whilst also creating a new industry for Pineapple growing countries, which is an advantage for everybody. 

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